Posts (continued)
- Category: Funeral Trends (continued)
- Fusion in the Funeral Industry – How does the traditional become postmodern?
- Glossary of Funeral Terms: How to Understand the General Price List
- Thinking ‘Outside of the Box’: How Baby Boomers are challenging the Funeral Industry!
- Traditional Funeral or ‘Life Celebration’: How modern attitudes to death rituals and a lean to life celebration is changing how we face the inevitable
- Understanding the FTC’s Funeral Rule and how it affects your rights when arranging a funeral
- US Funeral Homes Adapting to Host Weddings and Other Life Celebration Events
- The Changing Landscape of the Funeral Industry: The Rise of Cremation Services in the United States
- Who is Service Corporation International (SCI)?
- Why do so many funeral homes not display funeral prices on their web sites?
- How to Protect the Deceased from Identity Theft
- Category: Death Care Information
- Directory of Medical Examiners in Texas
- Directory of New York Medical Examiner Offices
- Directory of Medical Examiners in Michigan
- The Benefits of Whole Body Donation in Florida with Free Cremation
- Aquamation or Resomation: A ‘Green’ Alternative to the traditional Funeral
- Burial or Cremation? - Considering Your Options
- Holding a Memorial Service for a Loved One After a Direct Cremation
- How Baby Boomers may change the notion of ‘death’ in society
- Military Funerals - Veteran's Funerals
- Planning & Arranging a Jewish Funeral
- Social Assistance Funeral Programs
- The process of donating a whole body for medical research
- The Traditional American Funeral
- What to do when a US citizen dies in Mexico
- What to do when someone dies
- What is an indigent burial, and when to opt for a state-assisted funeral?
- The Body Donation Process, Why Donate?, Free Cremation, FAQs
- The Funeral Home and The Medical Examiner
- Category: Funeral-related News
- An Exposé of the Death Care Industry: CNBC “Death: It’s a Living”
- An industry in Change: How cremation is becoming the Nation’s Preferred Funeral Option
- Diamonds are Forever: How Your Loved Ones’ can be Immortalized like Michael Jackson!
- Funeral Homes catering to Hispanic Population
- Funeral Homes Turn to Event Hosting to Boost Revenues
- What are the FTC Proposed Changes to the 40-year-old Funeral Rule?
- Funeral Poverty in the 21st Century
- How to Claim FEMA Funeral Assistance for a COVID-related death
- Maritime Mortuary – the cruise to eternity!
- Navigating the Complex World of Death Duty and Inheritance Tax
- New Study Identifies that Deaths spike on Christmas Day in the U.S.
- The US Funeral Industry Today
- “Se habla español”: Reaching out to the Growing Hispanic Population
- Pet Cremation: Would you choose to be interred with your dear departed Pooch?
- Google introduces new option to help users plan for their ‘digital afterlife’
- Category: Funeral-related products & services