The team at US Funerals Online understands from first-hand experience just how overwhelming it can be to make funeral arrangements and navigate the multitude of questions and tasks you face when a loved one passes.
Our aim with US Funerals Online is to provide you with the tools and information you require to make informed decisions and to help you locate the right funeral services provider for your needs.
US Funerals Online originated after a loss in the family in 1998. Our family was referred to a local funeral home by the hospital, which we were led to believe was a family-owned funeral home. Our parents were coerced into spending more money than intended, and intrigued by our first experience of death, we probed deeper into how the industry operates.
We discovered the local funeral home was indeed no longer family-owned but now owned and operated by a blue-chip corporate death care corporation. We made it a mission to play a role in informing, educating, and assisting families faced with the daunting task of dealing with death and making funeral arrangements.

Nicholas V. Ille is the Owner and Founder of US Funerals Online. His story began back in 1998, with a ‘calling’ to help other families navigate the somewhat ‘taboo’ subject of death and funeral planning.

Sara Marsden-Ille joined the team when she and Nicholas rekindled their ‘first love’ romance in 2008.
“I did not have any experience in arranging a funeral and had only ever attended two funerals. As I researched and learned more about the deathcare industry, I was completely shocked at the level of greed, the preying on the vulnerability of grieving families, and the huge amounts of money that families would spend on a funeral….often when they could not afford to.”
Today, Sara manages Content Generation for US Funerals Online.
Our extensive Funeral Resources Section offers funeral planning guides, funeral product guides, and funeral price comparison information. Our funeral home directory supplements this if you need to find a local funeral home.
We are passionate about the role we can play in helping families, especially to save money on funeral costs in today’s tough economic climate.
Our partner network, DFS Memorials, helps families immediately locate & connect with their nearest affordable cremation services provider.
If you are a family member searching for a funeral service provider or funeral-related guidance, we hope you find the information you require.
Or, if you are a funeral home and wish to update your information, please feel free to contact us. We love to hear from you.
Head Office Address
3 Germany Drive, Ste. 4-4261
DE, 19804
Phone: (646) 374-4212